Monday, August 6, 2012


1)    Case – represents somehow the interesting topic of the study empirically (e.g. the role of the United States in the world economy)
2)    Unit of analysis – is the actual source of information: individual, organizational document, artifact, for example (e.g. the capital flow between countries, an economic policy)

1)    Cases:
A) Single cases – if case seems to represent a critical test to existing theory; rare or unique events -> Important to select case & unit of analysis properly
B) Multiple cases – if a “replication logic” is supposed to reveal support for theoretically
   Similar results
   Contrasting results for predictable reasons
-> Theoretical framework must identify clearly the conditions, when a particular phenomenon is likely to be found (i.) and when it is not likely (ii.)
-> Theoretical framework is the vehicle for generalizing to new cases; if empirical cases do not work as predicted, modifications must be made to the theory
-> Number of case replications depends upon the certainty wanted to achieve & richness of the underlying theoretical propositions

2) Units of analysis:
A) Holistic designs – include a single unit of analysis; if aim is to study the global nature of the phenomenon; when no logical sub-units can be pointed -> danger of abstractness
B) Embedded designs – include multiple units of analysis; study may include main & smaller units on different levels -> looking for consistent patterns of evidence across units, but within a case

Note: The flexibility of case study design is in selecting cases different from those initially identified, not in changing the purpose or objectives of the study to suit the cases



Central components of a case study design & their functions:
1)    A study’s questions – “how”, “why”
2)    Study’s (theoretical) propositions – pointing attention, limiting scope, suggesting possible links between phenomena
3)    Study’s units of analysis – main units must be at the same level as the study questions & typically comparable to those previously studied
4)    Logic linking the data to the propositions – matching pieces of information to rival patterns that can be derived from the propositions
5)    Criteria for interpreting the findings – iteration between propositions and data, matching sufficiently contrasting rival patterns to data; there is no precise way of setting the criteria
Research design links the data to be collected and conclusions to be drawn to the initial questions of the study – it provides a conceptual framework & an action plan for getting from questions to set of conclusions.

Preliminary theory & blueprint of the study: having solved the five steps mentioned above leads to the formation of a loose theory & a blueprint related to the topic of study
-Initial theory & understanding of what is being studied is necessary before any field contacts; the complete research design embodies a “theory” of what is being studied

Deciding between explanatory, exploratory and descriptive designs:
-Depends on the richness of the rival propositions in theories related to the topic of the study; richest theories allow explanatory designs
-> Search for theoretical propositions that can be elaborated to cover study questions, propositions, units of analysis, data-proposition links & criteria of interpretation
-> Reviewing literature, discussing with investigators, asking challenging questions, thinking what is to be learned from the study
-> Being aware of the range of theories & selecting the required level (individual, organization, societal)
-> Construction of the design / conceptual framework takes time & can be difficult, but is a crucial step for the success of the study

Selection of the cases:
-Cases should be selected in the same way as the topic of an experiment is selected
-> Developed preliminary theory is used as a template with which to compare the characteristics & empirical findings from the case(s)
-> Selected cases should reflect characteristics & problems identified in the underlying theoretical propositions / conceptual framework

The level of generalization of the study results = appropriately developed preliminary theory / study design
-Mode of generalization = theory-related analytic generalization, not statistical
-Analytic generalization possible from one or more cases


When to use case study method?
1)    The type of research question: typically to answer questions like “how” or “why”
2)    Extent of control over behavioural events: when investigator has a little/no possibility to control the events
3)    General circumstances of the phenomenon to be studied: contemporary phenomenon in a real-life context

Case study is an empirical inquiry, in which:
-Focus is on a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context & boundaries between phenomenon and its context are not clearly evident
Suitable for studying complex social phenomena
-Procedural characteristics in the situation include: Many variables of interest; multiple sources of evidence; theoretical propositions to guide the collection and analysis of data
-Types of case studies might be: explanatory; exploratory; descriptive
-Designs can be single- or multiple-case studies
-Used methods can be qualitative, quantitative, or both

Typical criticisms towards case studies & correcting answers:
-Lack of systematic handling of data -> Systematic reporting of all evidence
-No basis for scientific generalization -> Purpose is to generalize to theoretical propositions, not to population as in statistical research
-Take too long, end up with unreadable documents -> Time limits & writing formula depend on the choices of investigators.


Sunday, August 5, 2012


Mangrove ecosystem is "ekoton" {transition area) a unique and rich diversity of flora and fauna. Mangrove island of Java and Bali experienced over the function as with increasing population density and the depletion of land resources. Mangrove opened for pond construction, tourism facilities as well as the timber for the needs pengarnbiian household. Transfer function leads to environmental degradation and mangrove health condition.
This study aims to see the influence of geographical conditions on h ~ kewaan mangrove and know the quality of the environment and the health condition of mangroves. This study located in the Gulf and the Gulf Banyuwedang pickpocket, Village Pejarakan, Gerokgak District, District
Buleleng. Bali province. Buian study was initiated in November 1999 until March 2000. D'methods used to retrieve data mangrove transects in the field is quadratic. Mangrove canopy by category using transects measuring 10 X 10 m2, Belta 5 X 5 m 2, and seedling 1 X 1 m2. Bay community consists of three sub Banyuwedang community and the Gulf communities Pickpocket consist on 2 sub community. Secondary data used in this study, among others: Map Topographic Sheet 1707-531 BAKOSURTANAL Goris Scale 1: 25,000 (BAKOSURTANAL, 1992), Map Digital Topographic Maps Digital Database BAKOSURTANAL Sheet No. 1. 1707-531 (BAKOSURTANAL, 1999), Bali Maps Paleo Ecology (Encarta Interactive World Atlas, 2000), Map The slope Slope Park West Bali Nasionab Skaia 1: 25,000 (TNBB, 1997) as well as data distribution
In September 1999 the coral reefs in the Gulf of Bishopscourt (Wijonamo, 1999) Mangrove community environmental quality is measured using six indicators (Lower Mississippi Valley Division, 1976 in Canter and Hill, 1981), the association of species, the closure of seedlings, canopy closure, the number of types of seedlings, the number of days inundated, and the affected area tides. This study only uses four indicators kuaiitas mangrove environment, ie associations of species, seedling closure, canopy closure, and the number of seedling species that are the result modification (dimodiikasi by: Joko Purwanto). lndeks ecological communities that use 'is lndeks Simpson dominance (C), Diversity lndeks Sharmon - Weaver (H '), and uniformity index Shannon - Weaver (E).
The health condition of mangrove mangrove leaf diiihat based morphometric (comparison leaf width to length) of a population. Measurement of the population leaves dllakukan Avicennia marina, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, and Ceriops species fagalsebagai most often found. Morphometrics of healthy mangrove leaves should be relatively constant at between individuals in a population. The constancy of the population can be seen many jumiah morphometric and morphometric variability based on coefficient values ​​in a population. More and more little morphometric population and the greater the value of the coefficient of variability of a population will become more healthy.
In this study several conclusions can be drawn. First, some parameters geogratis, such as: forms of streams, point elevation and slope of the land as well as the geological history of the island of Bali affect the existence of mangroves in the area of ​​Bishopscourt. These conditions affect pernbentukan two different mangrove zonation and ketebalanya composition, ie mangrove zonation Bay Bay Bishopscourt dm pickpocket. Second, based on quality indicators neighborhood, Gulf Banyuwedang change of condition by 31% ideal while the pickpocket Gulf by 29%. community ecology indices indicate that the Gulf Banyuwedang mengaiami changes from the ideal conditions of 36%, while the Gulf of pickpocket 12%. The values ​​above indicate that the environmental quality of mangrove Bay Bishopscourt more worse than Teiuk pickpocket. The situation is caused by land use over many pewbahan land as well as tourist and resident aktititas that occurred around the Bay Bishopscourt than the Gulf Pickpocket. Third, based on morphometric leaves, mangrove health conditions in Bishopscourt generally relatively less healthy because of morphometric leaf on the populations relatii not a constant. Mangrove populations in the Gulf Banyuwedang turnbuh have health conditions that More worse than the health condition of mangroves in the Gulf Bajui. It is caused by low Banyuwedang Gulf environment when compared with the Gulf pickpocket. Besides kualiatas environment, the location where the mangroves grow also affects the health condition of mangroves. Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata are both present in populations growing at
Avicennia marina zone while the leading edge and Ceriops fagal good health found in populations living in the inner zone. Advice that can be drawn from this study is the Park West Bali Nasionai need coordinate with the communities around Banyuwedang so as not to throw garbage into the the sea and stop the encroachment on a large scale. Need for handling of that liquid waste to be dumped into the bay waters around Bishopscourt, for example waste from of hot spring baths that can affect ecosystems around the bay, such as coral reefs, and mangroves.



Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD) is still a health problem that can not be overcome. ISPA is a disease common in children under five. Based on ARI tingkatkegawatannya divided into two, namely pneumonia and non-pneumonia. Pneumonia is an illness with symptoms of cough and shortness of breath or rapid breathing accompanied, respiratory frequency 40 times per minute or more. Incidence of pneumonia in the work area Kepahiang health centers in 2002 was 261 cases with the distribution of 28.24% (74 cases) attacking children aged less than one year and 71.76% (187 cases) affects children aged 1 -5 years. The research objective is fatherly image mengatahui mengaenai home health conditions of the physical environment (occupancy density, lighting conditions, ventilation condition, bulkhead to kitchen chimney and wall types) in relation to the incidence of pneumonia in child health centers in the region of bakita Kepahiang Kepahiang District. Kind of research that used cross sectinal study.Analisa used univariate and bivariate analysis is, by using survey methods associated with monitoring the quality of home environment. To examine the relationship with the incidence of pneumonia conditions home used chi square test with SPSS version 10.0 for Windows. The population in this study were all households with children under five in all villages in the work area Kepahiang clinic. Number of samples taken over 120 samples. From the result showed the existence of residential densities that do not meet the health requirements of 47.50%, the lighting conditions that do not meet the health requirements of 38.33%, ventilation conditions that do not meet the health requirements of 53.33%, which is not a kitchen bulkhead at 35 %, the kitchen is no smoke hole of 39.17% kind of woven bamboo walls (gedek) by 30%. From the results of bivariate analysis found a significant association between residential density (p = 0.000), lighting conditions (p = 0.000), where the bulkhead in the kitchen (p = 0.003), the condition of the smoke hole (p = 0.000), type of wall (p = 0.000 ) with the incidence of pneumonia. And that does not mean that the condition of ventilation (p = 0.376) with pneumonia. From these results disaranakan to the health center staff to improve public knowledge about the importance of a healthy home through integrated counseling (clinic staff, district officials and community leaders).


To address environmental health issues will cost quite a bit. Cost control problems in Economics and a method that can be applied in the field of health is a cost analysis. Purpose of cost analysis to determine how rupiahkan unit cost of each activity and the total budget administration environmental sanitation program in the department of DR Sardhito environment Installation methods used in this study is a double distribution method in the first stage dilakukandistribusi costs incurred in supporting unit to support another unit and other production units. The result is some of the costs of supporting the unit has been distributed to units of production but most are still in uni tpenunjang. Costs are still in the supporting unit is distributed to the next stage of production units, so that there is no longer left in the unit cost of support. Results of analysis of the cost of using multiple distribution methods are available on the unit cost of each unit of production. Production units have different outputs and different number of output so as to have unit costs bervaraisi costs. The unit cost of each unit of production in wastewater treatment vair USD 26 376, - per activity, solid waste management Rp 77 969 perkegiatan, water treatment Rp 16 234 per activity, sterilization of Rp 18 574 perkegiatan, seranga control Rp 46 640, - per activity, the supervision of sanitation space Rp 174 050 per activity, food sanitation control Rp 30 069, USD 641 177 linen laundering surveillance, environmental health education perkegiatan Rp 1,031,367. These unit costs are not taken into account fixed costs. Estimated total budget for the years 2000 or 2001 to be issued by the Hospital in an environmental health program Rp242.064.558. Obtained unit cost and total budget, it can be used as a reference for perenecanaan budget years to come. To suppress the high unit costs can be ISLRS revenue center offers services such as waste water treatment, medical waste and water checks.


The increasing of people amount will affect the raise of solid waste amount. The solid waste that is not well managed will give bad impact to people's health condition and the decline of environmental quality. Solid waste management techique applied in TPA tompogunung Kalongan Ungaran is still using open dumping system, that is a system wich is not sanitary. The extent of settlement make the final solid waste disposal (TPA) worse, so it is necessary to relocate it. The Regional Government of Semarang Regency has prepared a new location in the village of Blondo Bawen in Bawen Sub District that is going to use sanitary landfill system. Environmental health factors is made into the consideration in giving the assessment in order to make solid waste handlling more sanitary. The goal of the research is to find out environmental health factors in final solid waste disposal selection (TPA) at Semarang Regency. The research is a kind of descriptive research using observational research method. The research objects are TPA Tompogunung and the new place of TPA Blondo. Sample taking is conducted by purposive sampling. From the sampling, the writer obtained 30 digged well, the measuringof flies dencity at five RT in Tompogunung village and one digged well nearest to the new TPA in Deres Village. The research result data is then descriptively analyzed.The result of the research indicates that the solid waste management tehnique in TPA topogunung is bad, the distance with the edge limit of settlement is 30 meters (bad category), the nearest distance with clean water resource is 50 meters (bad category), parameter treatment of ammonia, nitrit, and organic substance (bad category), there is no leachate handlling, the fkies dencity in TPA is high (17,8 perblock grill), the rate of flies dencity in Tompogunung settlement (4,85 per blockgrill), meanwhile TPA Blondo is going to use sanitary landfill system, the distance with the edge limit of nearest settlement is 500 meters (bad category), the nearest distance with clean water resource is good (>300 meters), the treatment of water chemical is in good category. The conclusion of the research is that TPA Tompogunung is entirely included in bad category, meanwhile TPA Blondo is included in medium category. The writer suggests that TPA Tompogunung should be stopped its operational and this experience should be made into an handling the solid waste to be more sanitary.


WHO Annual Report on Global TB Control 2003 states there are 22 countries categorized as a high burden of TB Lung countris, including Indonesia. The number of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases in the district Sidareja Cilacap in 2007 as many as 163 people. Housing conditions that meet the health requirements which only reached 38.99% is still below the target of the Ministry of Health is more than 80%. This study aims to determine the relationship of health factors of the home environment with pulmonary tuberculosis incidence in the district Sidareja Cilacap. This study is a case-control study. Free variables studied were temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, density of residential houses, floors, walls and nutritional status as a variable penganggu. The results of bivariate analysis showed that there is a relationship between the incidence ternayata pulmonary tuberculosis with lighting (OR = 4.214), ventilation (OR = 4.932), presence of a window is opened (OR = 2.233), humidity (OR = 2.571), temperature (OR = 2.674), types of walls (OR = 2.692), nutritional status (2.737). The results of the multivariate analysis there was asosisasi between the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis with lighting (OR = 3.286), humidity (OR = 3.202), ventilation (OR = 4.144), nutritional status (OR = 3.554). Recommended increased efforts are required netting against pulmonary tuberculosis, the increase in home improvement with more attention to environmental sanitation aspects of a healthy home at the time of building homes and improving hygiene and health behaviors.


The library is the heart of Higher Education and into education and teaching programs. Unfortunately not many people are aware of the academic community. Therefore necessary to be able to force librarians and promote library is proactive in matters relating to the library. One is the procurement of library materials is the first step in library technical services, so that library materials were processed and administered prior to the first user is processed through procurement. The method used in this report is the method of observation that is through observation and recording of symptoms on the object of research. Then the method of data collection through the documentation that is written heritage issues associated with the investigation, and methods of literary study that is examining the books dealing with the problems discussed. The latter with the interview method of data collection by way of question and answer in a systematic and consistent with the objectives of the study. Of the employment report it can be concluded that the Library of the Academy of Environmental Health Yogyakarta in the procurement of library materials derived from the purchase, gift and exchange, while the line between working with the procurement of the library is not a unit but a different unit. For the allocation of the cost of procurement of library materials was minimal. For it is good coordination between the library committee that handles domestic procurement library must be maintained so as not to inhibit the activity.


In the boarding school environment AL-GHOZALIE already implementing environmental health programs with the involvement of administrators and students sons and daughters. However, this program has not been performing well, because the condition of the boarding school buildings are still in the renovation, so the health of the physical environment of the boarding school has not been implemented to the fullest. In connection with the above researchers want to conduct research via the program "Study of Physical Environmental Health at boarding school al-Ghozalie Pungging Mojokerto".

The purpose of this study is unutuk know the physical implementation of the environmental health of boarding school al-Ghozalie Pungging Mojokerto by boarding school officials, and knowing the physical implementation of the environmental health of boarding school al-Ghozalie Pungging Mojokerto boarding school students in Al-Ghozalie Pungging Mojokerto.

The method in this study through several stages of implementation, the implementation phase include: (1) permit the head of the board of trustees cottage, (2) carry out observation, (3) distribute the questionnaire, (4) clarify the intent and purpose of research and how to fill the questionnaire, (5) collect the questionnaires.

These results indicate that the health of the physical environment at boarding school al-Ghozalie Pungging Mojokerto by two groups of respondents consisted of 14 administrators and 37 students, included in both categories in accordance with the results obtained by the percentage that is equal to 78.6% according to a boarding school administrators, and quite well with the percentage of 62.56% according to a boarding school students.

Based on the results of research and discussion concluded that the physical implementation of environmental health in boarding school al-Ghozalie Pungging Mojokerto by boarding school officials, including both categories, while the implementation of the health of the physical environment by students of pesantren Pondok Al-Ghozalie Pungging Mojokerto fall into that category quite well. By knowing the results of this study, the researcher suggested to the board boarding school al-Ghozalie Pungging Mojokerto to further improve the implementation of the health of the physical environment in the cabin to be cleaner and better.


In indonesia, disease of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) still represent one of the principal public health problem, with its mortality rate 6/1000 in 2002 especially at infant and children under five. In Bengkulu, from big 10 of diseases Acute Respiratory Infection is on the top equal to 34.30%, while in village of Air Merah equal to 55.7%, in Bengkulu 42.73% while in village of Air Merah is 37.7%. This research aimed to see the relationship between health condition of house environment with occurence of Accute Respiratory Infection at children under five years. This research method is Survey research with cross sectional approach, using secondary data, amount of population are 99 balitas with amount of samples are 49 responders. Statistical analysis used is chi square. Proportion occurence of Acute Respiratory Infection at children under five years equal to 73.5%, condition of house enfironment whice not yet up to standart seen from wall type is 42.9%, floor type is 77.6%, house ventilation is 73.5%, density of house dwelling 55.1%, density of children under five years bedroom dwelling is 81.6%, kitchen location is 49.0%, usage of cook fuel is 89.8%, lighting fuel is 32.7%, existence of smoker in house is 89.9%, usage of mosquito coil is 87.8%. From all perceived variables which significant relationship statistically (p<0.05) are type of wall is wood /bamboo (RP=6,147, CI95% 1,189-31,771, p=0.045), type of floor is land (RP=5,314, CI95% 1,256-22,489, p=0,047),wide of house ventilation < 10% (RP=18,000, CI95% 3,742-86,594, p=0,0001),Density of Balita Bedroom Dwelling which not up to standart (RP=56,000, CI95% 5,726-547,647, p=0,0001), kitchen Location not up to standart (RP=8,643, CI95% 1,662-44,955, p=0,012), Type of cookfuel is petrolium/wood (RP=21,875, CI95% 2,237-213,925, p=0,003) and usage of anti-mosquito coil is (RP=7,556, CI95% 1,189-48,031, p=0,036) with occurences of Acute Respiratory Infection at children under five years.


Air pollution today is believed to have contributed not a little to the increasing incidence of diseases related to breathing, especially big city. The main cause of air pollution is exhaust particulates and dust from the activities of public and private transport. The results of ambient air measurements in the terminal Giwangan city of Yogyakarta in 2007. By the Environment Agency of Yogyakarta for 24 hours showed a concentration parameter of 202.39 ug/m3 dust and SO2, and NO2 ug/m3 at 289.87 for 139.38 ug/m3 (4. This shows that each of these substances contaminants have been close to the quality standard (BM), which required 230 ug/m3 dust, SO2 and NO2 365 ug/m3, 150 ug/m3. Although the concentration of contaminants still meet quality standards, does not mean the risk to health. purpose of this study was to analyze Environmental Health Risk Exposure Dust, SO2, NO2 due to transport in Yogyakarta Giwangan terminal. This study used an observational analytic approach with cross sectional design, as respondents 30 PKL with the main criteria is not in the habit meroko; smoking and no history of lung disease / respiratory tract infections . variable is the concentration of research TSP, SO2, NO2 as an independent variable and the dependent variable lung capacity. Data collected in the test with Product Moment Correlation or Spearman Rank Test and the prediction of the risk exposure of TSP, SO2, NO2. results of this study concluded that nearly half respondents lung capacity (FVC, FEV1/FVC) has declined to the assumptions considered abnormal and largely unknown risks RQ intake TSP, SO2, NO2 is still below the threshold of the estimated daily exposure dose (RFC). Results Rank spearmen analysts note SO2 intake correlated significantly of lung capacity and FVC FEV1/FVC Giwangan terminal vendors, while the intake TSP, NO2tidak relate meaningfully. results of risk analysis for the prediction of life time exposure (30 th). concentration of TSP, SO2, measured in the air terminal NO2yang Giwangan, if assumed to be fixed and exposes PKL continuously based on their exposure to the duration of the next 30 years, has increased the probability of the majority of street vendors to be exposed to respiratory disorders.


Hotel is one of tourism facilities vanu important role in increasing tourism but potentially as wrought! transmission and spread of infectious diseases. Hotel cleanliness and sanitation is an indicator of quality of service to tinekat visitors / guests, therefore sebaeai tempafumum hotel deserve full attention to the health lingkumian / sanitasinva vaitu with environmental health upava hotel. This study aims to get a bolt of the application of environmental health requirements Torsibohi Nauli Hotel in South Tapanuli Kabuoaten S.pirok of 2005. The research was guided by the Minister of Health regulations. No 80/MENKES/PER/II / 1990 on the health requirements of the hotel and the Director General Decision No. PPM & PLP 95-I/PD.03.04.LP dated May 25, 1991 on the Health Assessment Hotel. This research was descriptive which provides an implementation of the health requirements menaenai hotel, where the retrieval of data is done by means of primary data (through direct observation of assessment using a questionnaire and medical examination by interview dentran hotel management and hotel staff) and secondary data obtained from the Department of tourism and Ascending: South Tapanuli. Data processing is done by manual. From the data collected showed that overall Hotel Torsibohi Nauli can be said that with an overall score of 996 from the total score of 1156 (86.15%) have met the requirements of the environmental health of the hotel. The conclusion of this research is to the requirements of environmental health and building outlines are eligible, but health requirements room / space is not fully qualified, health requirements of sanitation facilities is not fully qualified because the hotel does not have wastewater treatment facilities, employee health conditions have not been qualify fatherly especially food handlers, health food and beverage requirements not fully fulfill the requirement because the kitchen is not equipped with the containment of smoke and heat emitting equipment / Baun-air and other smells. Based on these results are expected to maintain and improve by correcting things that have not been met in accordance with the requirements for the advancement of tourism especially in Sipirok


Community health problem in Indonesia is currently one of them is the emergence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in each year. Dengue cases in Central Java in January 2007 amounted to 1461 cases and in February 2007 amounted to 1306 cases. This situation is also similar to that in 2006, where cases of dengue cases in January 2006 recorded 1465 and February 2006 amounted to 1323 cases. One of the factors that support the spread of dengue is the environment, namely the physical and biological environment. A group of students with complex life and have a distinctive lifestyle. The level of knowledge of students about the varied influence DBD behaviors in maintaining the health care environment is different. Therefore, the problem formulated in this study to determine the relationship of knowledge about the behavior of DBD with student health care environment. This type of research is the quantitative non-experimental research design with descriptive koresional. This study uses cross-sectional approach (divisive latitude). The method used is simple random sampling with a sample of 93 respondents. Where the research conducted in the Village Tembalang. Research instrument used was questionnaire. Analysis of the data used is univariate and bivariate analysis with chi square test (X2). The results showed p value = 0.007 and α = 0.05. Correlation value of knowledge about dengue health maintenance behaviors (0.007) is smaller than the significance of (0.05) means that there is a connection with the behavior of knowledge about dengue health care environment. Health education needs to be done so that the knowledge about dengue was good and the behavioral health care can be improved.


District of Wonoasih is one of the region with most people relying on agricultural sector. The house is usually occupied at times mixed with agricultural activities and other infomal business at home and close to the river. Issue of the settlements in the villages affected by the growing source of park residents in the area, mostly working in the informal sector so that knowledge of the importance of a healthy residential environment is less so. Habits of the people in the neighborhood of villages that still use the river as a major water and waste disposal to make the river dirty and clogged. Housing conditions in a dense residential area of ​​the National Housing Authority and there is no distance between the house makes the house ventilation is reduced, so that his condition seemed stuffy, crowded, and the evening.

This study aims to describe keetrkaitan education level, income level, number of family members with environmental health conditions of the home. This study used a descriptive research design. Data obtained through a questionnaire and checklist list is distributed to 100 respondents (households) on the level of education, income, family size and health of the home environment. Data obtained from the questionnaires was then analyzed using the tabulation (cross and single) and the composite index score to measure the health of the home environment.

The results showed that most of the education level of respondents was followed by graduate school and university. Most of the respondents' income level

Based on these results, it is suggested: (1) Application of 12 years of compulsory education should be increased, especially for residents in the village settlements, (2) Improvement of the environmental health program by the government, (3) Required counseling and surveys returned by the concerned organizations in completing the physical facility houses healthy.


Healthy paradigm be explained and operational of them is in the form of Behaviour of clean live and health. Participation of public in improving clean life behavior and make healthy to earn started from family (Domestic) since family as smallest inut in realizing healthy society role of Very big housewife in environmental health conservancy. This matter supported by characteristic from housewife such asage, education, earnings, work and also sum up family member. This research target to know relation of housewife characteristic factor with environmental health practice in Bandung Vilage Tegal Selatan Subdidtrict Tegal.This research type is descriptive research by method survey to use approach of Cross Sectional. Sample in this research equal to 93 mother of domestic taken with technique of Systematic Random Sampling. Data collecting use kuesioner and check list. Data analysed with statistical test use Chi - Kuadrat. Result of research indicate that responder which practice good environment health there are responder with young man's estate that is < 40 year ( 91,4%),do Have the low education (73,1%), and also own amount of family member of a few/little that is < 5 people (81,7%). Conclusion from this research indicate that characteristic of housewife (age,earning,work,education and sum up family member) having relation having a meaning of with environmental health practice (p value <0,05).


This study aims to determine the picture of the health condition of the home environment in relation to the incidence of respiratory infection for all age groups in the village Pagar Dewa, Bengkulu in 2002. This research is explanatory cross sectional approach using survey methods associated with monitoring the quality of residential environment. The study population was all households / families residing in the village Pagar Dewa. The number of households sampled 90 independent variables in this study is the health condition of the home environment (including type of walls, type of flooring, building area, ventilqsi, daytime lighting, bedroom window, hunianrumah density, density of occupancy rooms, the root material for cooking, handling late waste and air condition in the house) while depenen variables studied were the incidence of ARI. The results showed as many as eight home environmental health factors have a relationship with the incidence of ARI are the type of wall, floor area, ventilation, lighting during the day, a bedroom with a window, kepdatan residential houses, the density of residential rooms, cooking fuel, air condition inside the house. Other factors that have not been thought to pose a risk is also related to the incidence of ARI did not have a meaningful relationship with the incidence of ARI are the type of flooring, didapug smoke hole, the final processing of waste.


Catfish consumption in recent years has increased. If the first is seen as a cheap fish and just be consumed by family farmers, consumers were now more widespread catfish. Characteristic flavor of meat and cooking methods and menghidangkannya that traditionally, the menu of catfish into the public craze. Therefore, increasing the price of catfish. This is certainly a stimulus for the catfish farmers to cultivate intensively. This study aims to know the description of several parameters of red blood cells and white blood cells, which include the value of hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, total white blood cell count, and differentiation of blood cells and white blood cells (percentage of heterophile, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes) .
A total of 17 tail catfish (Clarias spp) weighing between 30-50 grams or about 7.16 g / fish used in this study. Fish blood samples were taken to be observed on the value of hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, total white blood cell count, and leukocyte differentiation. Data were analyzed descriptively.
Observations show that the average number of total leukocytes was (143.5 ± 7.01) x 103/mm3, lymphocytes 71.9 ± 1.98%., Heterophile 27.8 ± 1.90%, monocytes 0.1 ± 0.39 %. Eosinophils and basophils are not found in all 17 blood samples examined catfish. Average hematocrit value is 16.6 ± 3.23%, and average hemoglobin concentration of 6.1 ± 0.88 g%. Eosinophils and basophils are not found in all 17 blood samples examined catfish. From the observations we can conclude that the total leukocyte count and the percentage of monocytes remained within the range of normal values​​, the percentage of lymphocytes is lower than the range of normal values​​, and the percentage of heterophile higher than the range of normal values​​. Average value of hematocrit and hemoglobin concentrations lower than the range of normal values​​.


Filariasis is contagious disease that caused by Fillaria parasite and it flued by mosquito bite. Indonesia has 23 mosquito species as Monsonia, Anopheles, Culex, Aedes, and Armigeres genus witch potential vector of elephantiasis. 2,5 billion people at risk 120 million with elephantiasis cases in the world. Indonesia have 6.233 Fillariasis chronic cases, West Kalimantan have 156 chronic cases (MF Rate 4,5 %). In Tanjung Bayur Orchard found 17 cases 13 chronic cases (MF Rate 17,8 %) and in 4 cases had death. Tanjung Bayur is marsh area and most of consist marsh, there are rice field , ditch, water plant which can be prepared as growing vector place. Target, to know risk factor that influence fillariasis. Research reason is to give risk factor information that dominant to fillariasis disease in Tanjung Bayur orchard, Sungai Asam Village. Method, this research used case control design or retrospective study with 13 cases and 27 control. Risk factor that include in this research is vector species, vector density, ditch, water plant, marsh, rice field, pool, underbrush, livestock cage, clothes hanging, temperature, dampness, lighting, existence of gauze at ventilation, wall construction, existence livestock in a home, habit to use curtain, habit to use remedy agains gnats, habit to stay out of the house in the night. Research location has done at Tanjung Bayur Orchard on Sungai Asam Village, District of Sungai Raya. Data analysis use univariat technique, bivariat technique with Chi-Square Test and multivariate technique with Logistic Regression Test. Research result, show us thats existence ditch variable (OR = 8,0 ; 95 % CI = 1,5 - 43,4), existence water plant variable (OR = 4,6; 95 % CI = 1,1 — 44,9) and habit to use curtain (OR = 0,04; 95 % CI = 0,006 — 0,23) is meaningful for fillariasis infection. Conclusion, existence of water plant (OR = 4,6; 95 % Cl = 1,1 — 18,7), is risk factor that the most dominant for fillariasis infection. Suggestion, the regular illumination from health worker for people to give information about environmental and fillariasis dangerous.


Kenjeran beach in Surabaya mernpunyai many functions both as a place of recreation, fisheries and waste disposal sites of the city of Surabaya. Previous studies have explained that the beach has been polluted, especially Kenjeran Hg. These pollutants have indicated that consumption of fish found in the surrounding communities. This study mcngkaji impact of fish consumption Kenjeran relation to public health who consumed fish. Peneliltian is taking samples of 70 people who eat fish, and 45 people as a control group. In this study respondents hair is taken and analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Penclitian produces that respondents who eat fish as much as an average of 99.11 grams / hark have Fig levels in hair of 0.511 ppb. This study indicates that symptoms of disease occur in those who rnengkonsumsi fish such as kidney, dizziness, tumor, bleeding gums, and impaired vision. Penclitian is concluded that there was a significant correlation between respondents who consumed fish contaminated with high levels of Hg in hair.


The increasing number of settlements in the Watershed (Watershed) Cihideung can threaten damage to the environment surrounding watershed, such as water quality degradation that can lead to many water crisis in this country. One aspect that can be assessed for changes in water quality based on biological aspects of the Makroavertebrata is commonly known as a water bioindikator. Makroavertebrata are relatively sedentary organisms that live on the substrate so that the existence or nonexistence can provide a general overview of the condition of the waters of the river, especially Cihideung River. The purpose of this study to know the community who live in River makroavertebrata Cihideung and describe Cihideung River water quality so as to determine the level of river health using a community Cihideung makroavertebrata as bioindikator. The research was conducted in August-October 2008, at four observation stations. Determination of the station based on land use around an aquatic environment Cihideung River. To find out the types of electric makroavertebrata using a microscope, and for water quality analysis conducted at the Laboratory. To classify the river according makroavetebrata Cihideung used biological indices, namely, LQI (Lincoln Quality Index), FBI (Family Biotic Index), Saprobitas index, and SIGNAL 2 (Stream Invertebrate Grade Number Average Level), for the relationship between the parameters used Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Least Significant Difference test information (LSD). Makroavertebrata Cihideung found in the River consists of 33 genera and 19 families, where not all families are found at every station. Of the four stations acquired health conditions varied waters, where conditions are most healthy station at station 1 with a color that is still quite clear waters, the area around the river pristine. Based on biological indices station 1 is quite good and the quality of still waters in accordance with quality standard PP.No 82, 2001. Based on biological indices obtained Cihideung River water conditions included into the waters in moderate to good, with the most appropriate biological indices for Cihideung River is SIGNAL 2.


The objective of this study is to know the relationship between socioeconomic and and cultural aspects and undernutrition problem in Kabupaten Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur. The specific objects are to know the prevalence of undernutition of children under five in Kabupaten Manggarai, to identify socio-economic charaterictic of the sample’s family, sample’s nutrition status, environment sanitation, mother’s nutritional knowledge and food consumption, to identify the cultural of Manggarai that have a relationship with undernutrition problem and poverty in Manggarai, to analyze the relationship between identify socio-economic charaterictic of the sample’s family, food consumption and undernutrition problem in Manggarai. This research was designed with cross sectional study with purposive method. This research was conducted at Desa Meler, Kecamatan Ruteng, Kabupaten Manggarai from June to July 2007. Primery and secondary data were collected in this research.
Primery data including socio economic charaterictic of sample family, sample’s nutritional status, environment sanitation, and food consumption using interview with questionare. Secondary data including food production, prevalence of nutritional status of children under five, poverty data etc, and was collected from Manggarai’ s Government Institution. Population on this research is children under five in Desa Meler. Samples consisted of 80 children, and was classified into two groups, which is 48 classified as undernutrition group and the rest of them belong to normal group.
Result shows that the prevalence of undernutrition of children under five in Manggarai year 2005 is 22,75 % and decrease in year 2006 become 19,24%. Poverty is one causal factor of this prevalence in Manggarai. Based on the result the average of energy consumption of two samples is same 995 kkal, and protein consumption of normal nutrition sample’s is bigger than undernutriton sample’s. Some factors that have a relationship with undernutrition problem in Kabupaten Manggarai are family’s income, mother’s nutritional knowledge, and also consumption of energy and protein.


Acute respiratory infections, together with malnutrition and diarrheal disease, constitute the most common cause of illness and death among children under five years age in developing countries. Acute respiratory infection also becomes the major health problem in Indonesia. Host, environmental and sociocultural-related variables may act independently or in concert with other variables to influence the incidence and severity of acute respiratory infection. Poor housing conditions are associated with a wide range of health condition, including respiratory infection.

The aim of this article was to compare the result of relationship between housing sanitation and acute respiratory infection studies in three different areas, in Penjaringan Sari Rungkut District, Surabaya (Yusuf, 2004), in Sidomulyo village Buduran district, Sidoarjo (Suryanto. 2003) and in Tual Village Kei Kecil  district, Southeast Maluku  (Toanubun, 2003). The housing variables included ventilation, dampness, people density in house, natural lighting and temperature. Natural lighting subvariable also gave significant difference in two areas, Sidomulyo and Penjaringan Sari.

All of these studies had the same result in ventilation variable and people density. Ventilation and people density were significanlyt associated with acute respiratory infenction (Chi square, p < 0.05). Dampness variable had significant difference between Tual area and Penjaringan Sari, while in Sidomulyo there was no significant difference.

Housing sanitation is important determinant in health, especially in acute respiratory infection among children under five years old. Improving housing sanitation is needed to reduce infectious disease.



The aim of this research was to understanding environmental condition, healthy life behaviour, and health status of women tea picker’s family in PTPN VIII Pengalengan, Bandung, East Java. This research was used cross sectional study design. The samples of this research were 92 women tea picker’s families who live in purposively chosen cluster area of Malabar Plantation. The criteria of the sample were having children in 0-72 month age and willing to be interviewed.
Malabar Plantation was chosen from the other five clusters base on its accessibility and the homogenous samples inter cluster. Primary data consists of family characteristics, environmental condition, healthy life behavior, and family’s health status. Secondary data consists of general description of Malabar Plantation and Banjarsari Village. Data were processed and analyze with descriptive and inference statistics. The result revealed that condition of environment where family lives are in average category, only few families lives in good environmental condition. Family’s health behavior is in good category. The symptoms/kind of disease that can be found were fever, acute respiratory
infection (ARI), infection of gastrointestinal tract, skin disease, and hepatitis.
Family member who is susceptible to disease is the children. The related factors to environmental condition of women tea picker’s family are family’s income and of family’s size. Water which is one environmental condition is correlated with women tea picker’s family’s health status. ARI and hepatitis cases are correlated
with the source of clean water for to bath or wash; and the usage of clean water for hand wash after defecation, the better of water source, the less cases of disease.


The study objective is to analyze the effect of corporate characteristics: size, type of industry, and profitability toward social and environmental disclosures in annual reports of companies in Indonesia. The disclosure themes included are: environment, energy, product / consumer, employee (health and safety), employee (other), and general. The samples of the study are 44 publicly listed companies in Jakarta Stock Exchange Announced That have annual reports for 2001. The data analysis used is multiple regression analysis. The results show That the corporate size (net sales), and the type of industry affect the social and environmental disclosure. On the other hand, the study can not PROVE That profitability (ROA) affects the social and environmental disclosure. The results also show That the employee (other) theme is the most themes That every company discloses it. Keywords: Social and Environmental disclosure, Sales, Type of Industry, Return On Assets ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the influence of firm characteristics: firm size, industry type and profitability of social and environmental disclosure in annual reports the companies in Indonesia. The theme of the disclosure include; theme environment, energy, product / consumer, health and safety of employees, employees (other) and the public. This study sample was 44 companies went public on the Jakarta Stock Exchange's annual report 2001. Analysis of the data used is multiple regression. The study states that the size of the company (net sales) and industry type affects the social and environmental disclosure in annual reports. However, this study can not prove that profitability (ROA) affects the social and environmental disclosure. The results also showed that the theme of employees (other) is the theme of the most widely expressed by each company. Key words: social and environmental disclosure, sales, industry type, Return On Assets.


and 6) regional development. SixthRevitalization of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry (RPPK) that proclaimed on June 11, 2005 has six The main objectives, namely : 1) increased welfare and poverty alleviation, 2) the expansion of employment opportunities and attempted, 3) food security, 4) increased competitiveness of agriculture, 5) preservation natural resources and environment, The goal is basically to summarized as an attempt to reduce poverty, increase incomes, ensure food security national, as well as mengonservasi, rehabilitate, and conserve resources nature.
Enhancement of national food requirement at a rate of 1-2% / year mainly caused by population growth which are now numbering more than 220 million. Therefore, in addition to as one of the main targets, resistance Food is also the basis RPPK major. Efforts to increase production must be offset by an increase farmers' income, ease of accessibility consumers, and the actualization of security food. In contrast, non-food commodities are generally more commercial power is required to have high competitiveness to be able to achieve optimal global market share. By Hence, high productivity, efficiency production systems, as well as quality improvement and value-added products to support The main agricultural revitalization. Lately, and for the foreseeable will come, food security as one of the pillars and the main purpose RPPK, particularly in the revitalization of agriculture, faces four major threats are :
1) stagnation and productivity pelandaian due to technological constraints and input production, 2) production due to instability pests, diseases and stress climate, 3) a decrease in productivity due to degradation of land and water resources and environmental degradation, and 4) shrinking land, especially paddy fields result is converted to irrigated land non-agricultural.
In agricultural development national food security has a strategic role because: 1) access to food and nutrition is simply the most basic human rights for humans, 2) the adequacy of food instrumental in the formation qualified human resources, and 3) food security to be one a main pillar in sustaining resilience economic and national security sustainable. To realize the national food security, availability adequate food in terms of quantity, quality, quality, nutrition, safety and diversity, at an affordable price by the whole society must be met. It is set in the Act No. 7/1996 on food and PP. 68/2002 on food security. The agricultural sector contributes 18% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and a source pandapatan for 45% of the population. In addition to food crops and vegetable cropping area reached more than 16.30 million ha, commodities plantations and fruit the planting area of ​​more than 25 million ha is the backbone and a one of economic support and development nationwide. Food crops, especially rice, is a strategic commodity for food security, while crops other than necessary to support industry development the country also played an important as an export commodity.
Increased public awareness about food safety, health, environmental, and nutritional impact increased demand for agricultural products clean and safe for consumption. In RPPK context, the environmental aspects as well become a very important issue in the sector agriculture, both in relation to food security and sustainability natural resources and environment at the level nationally and for the benefit diplomacy and international trade.

The Earth Summit (Earth Summit) 1992 in Rio de Janeiro is the main indicator growing attention and concern the international world of trouble environment and increasingly raises importance of sustainable development. Environmental issues in the agricultural sector has been a topic of conversation after the The Green Revolution was rolled at the end of 1960 - an. In addition to its attention and concern the larger world community, realizing also that some technological innovations charge of the Green Revolution has the potential damaging or disturbing the environment.The main purpose of the Green Revolution was to produce enough food to meet the needs of the population that number continues to increase. Green Revolution in Indonesia was marked by the introduction of high yielding varieties of rice responsive to fertilizer and irrigation. Pest and disease control plants sought by applications pesticides. On the one hand, the Green Revolution proved to increase production national food, but on the other hand has led to the emergence of problems environment as a result of errors application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In the agricultural sector, there are three issues important were strongly associated with conservation of natural resources and environment, namely: 1) the impact of using various agricultural inputs to the product, land, and the environment, 2) the impact of system farming, mainly rice and paddy tidal wetlands, the emission greenhouse gas (GHG), and 3) the impact industrial, residential, and urban to land productivity and sustainability agricultural environment.
Residual contamination Input Agrochemical Indonesia with a population of many and growing need food products in a number that continues to increased. Associated with resistance food, it requires the efforts increase food production at a rate of high and sustained. Rely food imports for resistance national food of course risky to various aspects of life, including economic, social, and national politics.
To meet the needs of food, application of Green Revolution technologies have an impact positively to the increase national rice production, from 18 million tons in 1970 to 54 million tons in 2004, or tripled. In same period, productivity of rice increased from 2.25 t / ha to 4.58 t / ha, or doubled. After a successful self-sufficiency in rice achieved in 1984, it was realized that implementation of the Green Revolution has some negative impacts, such as tendency of the use of inputs high, especially fertilizers and pesticides. In the one hand, the use of fertilizers and pesticides chemistry is very important means to increase production rice. On the other hand, the use of both This turned out to have polluted agroinput most of the resources of land, water, and environment. The development of modern varieties, especially rice, has encouraged use of inorganic fertilizers real. Yielding varieties of rice are generally highly responsive to fertilizer N, P, and K. Reality on the ground was indicate that the developments technology and agriculture, both in intensification or extensification program, followed by the development of pest and disease, both in types and intensity attack. This has prompted increased use of pesticides for its control.
In the implementation of the program intensification and expansion of rice-based Green Revolution technology, the use of chemical fertilizers increased nearly six times fold, from 635 thousand tons in 1970 to 4.42 million tons in 2003. At present the need for chemical fertilizers the rice reached 4.50 million tons / years. Various research results show that the use of fertilizers by farmers tend to be exaggerated, especially in rice. The range of use urea fertilizer (N) adults is 100 - 800 kg / ha, and P and K fertilizer each 0-300 and 0-250 kg kg / ha (Las et al. , 2006). In fact, according Kasryno (2006), compared with some producing countries rice in Asia, the use of fertilizers in Indonesia is relatively high at 105, 22, 14 kg / ha respectively for N, P2O5, and K2O, compared to 95, 40, 35 kg / ha in Malaysia, 90, 33, 17 kg / ha in Thailand, and 51, 15, 11 kg / ha in the Philippines. In addition to waste, the use of Excessive fertilizers also do not favorable for the preservation of land and the environment. Residues of N fertilizer nitrate (NO3) had contaminated some water resources and irrigation water well ground water (wells), and even product agriculture. The maximum limit of the content nitrate in water is only 4.50 ppm. Approximately 85% of the water that irrigates most of the rice fields in Java contain nitrate average of 5.40 ppm or 20% higher of tolerance limits. The use of fertilizer N, P, and K continuously with the dose high yields without the return of the remaining will accelerate the depletion of other nutrients such as S, Ca, Mg and micro elements Zn and Cu. On the other hand, the addition of a special micro elements very rarely even been done by farmers, but to support the production efficient and sustainable crop required the balance of macro nutrient availability and micro levels in the soil. Intensive rice cultivation with fertilization is continually not only led to high fertilizer residue, but also increase content of heavy metals Pb expecially (Plumbun) and Cd (cadmium). Ardiwinata et al. (1999) and Kasno et al. (2003) identified 21-40% of paddy fields in the path Pantura, West Java, categorized polluted or contaminated by a second heavy metals, even 4-7% of which are categorized as contaminated weight (> 1.0 and> 0.24 ppm).Similar to the fertilizer, the use of pesticides also increased significant during the Green Revolution in effect, from 5234 tonnes in 1978 to more than 18,000 tons in1986. A similar trend is also occur in vegetable crops, plantations, and other plants with the allocation use about 10% and 24.40% (Harsanti et al., 1999; Jatmiko et al. 1999; Nurjaya 2003). In 2002 there were 813 formulations and 341 active ingredients and pesticides that have been circulated, 40% of which are insecticides, 29% herbicides, fungicides and 19% (Directorate Fertilizers and Pesticides 2002).Negative impacts of pesticide use include: 1) increased resistance to pests and resurjensi plants (OPT), 2) disruption of the balance of biodiversity, including natural enemies (predators) and other important organisms, 3) disruption of human and animal health, and 4) contamination of plant products, water, soil, and air. In some areas of Java, pesticide residues in some foods including soy products have been approach the maximum residue limits (MRL), compounds mainly organophosphates, carbamates, and organokhlorin. Trend The same is happening on the ground, irrigation water, and fish. Pesticide residues also have a negative impact of steroid metabolism, the function thyroid and spermatogenesis, as well as system or known reproductive pesticides endocrine disrupted (eds). Although integrated pest management with the use of pesticideshas provided tangible results in suppress pests and diseases plants, the impact very dangerous. Therefore, the use of pesticides should be reduced or rationalized, either through the application IPM is expressly and development
organic farming systems prefer the use of the enemy natural and biological pesticides. profit rationalization of the use of pesticides include: 1) reduce the damage land resources, water, environment, and products, 2) reduce health risks for humans, and 3) increase farm profit (production efficiency). 


Saturday, August 4, 2012



Population growth, changing consumption patterns and lifestyles of people has increased the amount of waste generation, types, and diversity characteristics of the waste. The increased purchasing power of different types of basic goods and the technology as well as increased business or activities supporting economic growth in an area also contributed greatly to the quantity and quality of waste generated. The increasing volume of waste requiring management. Do not use the waste management methods and techniques that are environmentally friendly waste management but would be a negative impact on health will also interfere with the preservation of the environment very well lingkungam settlements, forests, fields, rivers and oceans.
Under Law No. 18 In 2008, the remaining waste is everyday human activities and / or solid form of natural processes. Waste management is an activity meant a systematic, comprehensive, and include the reduction and sustainable waste management. Based on the physical and chemical properties of waste can be classified into: 1) there is an easy to decompose waste consists of organic waste such as leftover vegetables, meat offal, leaves, etc., 2) are not easily decompose garbage such as plastic, paper, rubber, metal, the rest of the building materials and others, 3) waste in the form of dust / ash, and 4) hazardous waste (B3) for health, such as garbage comes from industries and hospitals that contain chemical substances and dangerous disease agents.

To achieve a clean and green city, the government has launched various programs which basically aims to encourage and enhance community capacity in waste management. Adipura program in 2007 for example has been able to bring into the Province of Bali Province Adipura for all counties and cities in Bali has managed to get Adipura Award. Although it has received Adipura not mean there are no problems of waste, and the government's appreciation of the community is always required to do so in turn the waste management of waste can be processed independently and be a resource. Looking at the above phenomenon is very necessary waste management model is good and right in an effort to bring urban and rural areas are clean and green in the province of Bali.

Waste management aims to improve public health and environmental quality and make the waste as a resource. From the standpoint of environmental health, waste management is considered good if the waste does not become breeding grounds for germs media as well as the waste is not an intermediary medium spread of a disease. Other requirements to be met, that does not pollute air, water and soil, does not cause odor (not interfere with the aesthetic value), does not cause fires and the other (Aswar, 1986).
The increasing volume of waste generated by urban communities can be seen from the city of Denpasar, that in 2002 the average production of about 2114 m3/day waste originating from household waste, household-like waste, and waste-specific. In a period of 4 years, ie 2006, the amount of waste production has increased to 2,200 m3/day (Tim Denpasar City Sanitation, 2007). Meanwhile, the lack of knowledge, awareness, and community participation in waste management becomes a problem that needs attention in the management of clean and healthy environment.
Factors that affect waste management include: (1) social-political awareness and commitment regarding the government's budget to determine the budget for environmental management (waste), public decision making in waste management and education, counseling and skills training to increase awareness and community participation in waste management, (2) Social Aspects of Demography, including socio-economic (tourism activities, markets and shops, and household activities, (3) Social and Cultural Rights concerning the existence of interactions between institutions village / traditional, customary rules (awig- awig), ritual (ceremonial / religious), the space structure of Tri Mandala, a genuine spirit of social service, mental attitude and behavior of citizens were apathetic, (4) the existence of waste land for the shelter, (5) finance (finance), (6) the existence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and (5) coordination between institutions involved in the prevention of environmental problems (waste).
Urban waste management also has the driving factors and inhibitors in an effort to increase community participation in waste management. According to the research Nitikesari (2005) these factors include educational level, the placement of the trash in the house, the presence of scavengers, the action of hygiene, lack of legislation on waste and enforcement. Urban level of public participation (Denpasar) in dealing with waste on their own are still in the category of moderate to low, people are still reluctant to waste segregation.
Waste is increasingly difficult to manage, so in addition to public awareness and involvement, the development of technology and business model of waste management is an alternative to maintaining a healthy and clean environment and may provide other benefits.


Based on data SLHD Bali (2005) it appears that at present difficult to manage waste for many reasons, among others:
a. Rapid development of technology, faster than society's ability to manage and understand porsoalan waste,
b. Menigkatnya level of living, which is not accompanied by a harmony of knowledge of the waste
c. Increased operational costs of waste management
d. Waste management is inefficient and does not really cause problems of air pollution, soil, and water and decrease the aesthetic
e. Inability to maintain the goods, low quality technology products that will speed up as litter.
f. Increasingly difficult to get land as a landfill.
g. Increasing number of people who objected to the region was used in a landfill.
h. The difficulty of storing the waste quickly decay, because the weather is hot.
i. The difficulty of seeking public participation to dispose of waste in place and maintain cleanliness.
j. Inadequate financing, given that until recently most of waste managed by the government.
Waste that has been done is the collection of waste from sources such as from the public (households) and public places are collected at the polling stations have been provided. Subsequently transported by truck to a landfill equipped nets. For areas that have not got the transport service given the limited facilities and infrastructures have been carried out in self-managed waste management with the help of some kind of transportation facilities. For businesses or activities which produce more than 1 m3/day waste transported by the employer or in cooperation with other parties such as the village / village or private parties. Waste management of waste resources in a way that is quite effective.
Some businesses that have taken place in the landfill to reduce waste volume, as has been done by scavengers for sorting recyclable waste. It was a livelihood to earn. Against perishable waste composting efforts have been made. But the effort still leaves waste that must be managed in a high cost and large estates. Handling of residual waste in the landfill is still a good way to incinerator combustion or burning in the open dumping and open to decay naturally. This poses new problems for the environment, the pollution of soil, water, and air.
Waste management in the future need to consider things like:
A. Preparation of the Regulations (regulation) on waste segregation
2. Socialization of the formation of waste-free area, such as tourist attractions, markets, terminals, protocol roads, villages, etc.
3. Ranking hygiene for public areas
4. Put pressure on the producer and consumer goods for production and consumption patterns are more environmentally friendly
5. Put pressure on manufacturers to be willing to draw (buy) back from the public on the packaging of products it sells, such as plastic packaging, bottles, alluminium foil, and others.
6. Enhancement of community through small-scale waste management, can be started from the village / village or district, including the use of technology in terms of recycling, composting, and use incenerator.
7. Increasing the effectiveness of the functions of the TPA
8. Driving the transformation (shift) consumption patterns to favor products that come from recycling.
9. Waste management and waste in an integrated
10. To coordinate with relevant agencies at both central and local, NGOs, universities to increase the management capacity of municipal waste
11. Evaluating and monitoring issues and waste management, landfill conditions of the environmental aspects, the development of the application of environmentally friendly technologies
12. Optimization of funding in urban waste management, waste management system development funding.
13. Consistency of implementation of legislation on waste and the environment.
14. Improve self-management efforts, especially waste handling waste easily broken down at the village / village
15. Provide facilitation, encouragement, mentoring / advocacy to the public in an effort to improve waste management.
The city of Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan has been cooperating in an integrated waste management business-oriented technology. Waste management approach to waste management technology is expected to more rapid, effective and efficient and can provide other benefits.


In accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 5 of Law No.23 Th.1997 Managing the Environment, that the public is entitled to a good environment and healthy living. To obtain such rights, in Article 6 stated that the public and employers are obliged to participate in maintaining the preservation of the environment, prevent and menaggulangi pollution and environmental damage. Associated with these provisions, the Act NO. 18 of 2008 also explicitly stated, that everyone has rights and obligations for waste management. In terms of waste management section 12 stated, everyone must reduce and handle waste in environmentally sound ways. Community also expressed eligible to participate in decision-making, management and supervision in the field of waste management. Procedures for public participation in waste management can be done by considering the characteristics and social culture of each region. Departure from these provisions, would be the duty and right of everyone, both individually and collectively, as well as employers and community groups other community members to participate in waste management in an effort to create an environment of urban and rural areas of good, clean, and healthy.
Some of the approaches and technologies and waste management have been implemented include:
A. Composting technology
Composting is one way of processing waste, a process of decomposition and stabilization of biological materials with the final product is stable enough for use on agricultural land without adverse effects (Haug, 1980). Research conducted by the Rev. (2008) found that composting by using more modern methods (aeration) are able to produce compost that has a finer grain, content of C, N, P, K and higher pH, C / N ratio, and the content of Colform lower than conventional composting.
2. Making Fertilizer Technology Kascing
3. Processing of waste into electricity. The city of Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan has been cooperating in an integrated waste management business-oriented technology in a Joint Board is Sarbagita. The planned technology is GALFAD technology (landfill gasification and anaerobic digestion). Waste management approach to waste management technology is expected to more rapid, effective and efficient and can provide other benefits.
4. Independent waste management Self-contained sewage treatment is a waste of processing performed by the public at the location of the source of such waste in households. Rural communities that generally have more extensive yard space large enough to have the opportunity to perform on their own waste. Independent waste management model will provide better benefits to the environment and can reduce the burden on landfill. Waste sorting independently by the community in Denpasar was relatively low at only reached 20% (Nitikesari, 2005).
5. Community-based waste management
1) A variety of issues facing the community in waste management, urban settlements in the village of Seminyak, Sanur and Sanur Kauh Kaja, and the village of Gianyar Temesi, namely: the issue of land acquisition for the location of Devo, the limited equipment and technology perawatannnya, limited funding for the recruitment of labor adequate new, compost production is still low, it is difficult and limited marketing of the compost so that the manager tends to have a deficit economy.
2) residential waste management model city based social community can be made adaptive with respect to aspects of social and cultural characteristics, aspects of the space (environment), volume, and type of waste generated.
Patterns of community-based waste management should be done in synergy (integrated) of the various elements (the Village, governments, NGOs, business / private sector, schools, and other related components) to make the local community as object and subject of development, particularly in waste management to create environment clean, safe, healthy, beautiful, and sustainable
Law on waste management has asserted such restrictions do not throw garbage at a place specified and made available, which do not burn trash sesaui with technical requirements, as well as to the handling of waste by open dumping at the landfill. Landfill closure by open dumping should be stopped within 5 years after entry into force of Law no. 18 of 2008. In developing the model of urban waste management should be able to involve the various components of stakeholders such as local government, businesses, NGOs, and communities. More urban component comes from the settlement (village Pakraman and Office), whereas in rural areas are generally still very closely related to the existence of the rice with the subak institutions must be involved. Model selection is dependent on the characteristics of urban and rural areas as well as the characteristics of the garbage in the region.

With the enactment of Law no. 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management would require a model of good waste management and proper to be developed in urban and rural areas so that the quality of health, environmental quality can be improved and the waste can be a resource that can be utilized for enhancing the welfare of the community.
The model should involve various stakeholders components and attention to the characteristics of waste, urban or rural characteristics and socio-cultural existence of the local community.

  1. Law No. 18 of 2008 on Waste Management
  2. Nitikesari, Putu Ening. , 2005. Level Analysis of Community Participation in Waste Management Independently in the city of Denpasar. Master thesis Graduate Udayana University, Denpasar.
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  6. Revelation W., L.G. , 2008. Quality and Effectiveness Study Results of Conventional Versus The Modern Composting in Landfill Temesi-Gianyar Bali. Master thesis Graduate Udayana University, Denpasar.

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