Thursday, August 2, 2012


Many types of research that includes a descriptive study. Every expert in the study often provide information about the grouping of types of descriptive research, tend to vary slightly. The difference is usually influenced by the views and knowledge into the background of these experts. Differences of opinion, one of them when viewed from the musty how the process of collecting data in a descriptive study conducted by researchers.

From the aspect of how the process of data collection is done, all kinds of research can be minimal deskrptif dbedakan into three kinds, namely the report of, or self-report, development studies, advanced studies, (follow-up study), and studies sosiometrik.

Research Reports Of (Self-Report research)
From the data collected related to the descriptive study has several types including self-report using the observations. In a self-study report, the information collected by the person who also serves as a researcher.
In this study self-report research is recommended using direct observation techniques, namely individuals who researched visited and viewed their activities in a natural situation. Direct observation goal is to obtain information according to the problem and research objectives. In a self-report studies, researchers are also encouraged to use other tools to obtain data, including for example by using other equipment such as records, cameras, and recording. Such tools are used primarily to maximize when they have to get the data from the field.

That need to be considered by the researchers that the model of self-report is that in using the method of observation in an interview, the researcher should be able to use the data simultaneously to obtain the maximum. One example of research using self-report can be viewed in a report on the study of Institutional and System Financing Small and Medium Enterprises.

Examples of Descriptive study using self-report
Institutional Studies and System Financing Small and Medium Enterprises

Comparative study of institutional and small business financing system has a 5 important objectives, namely:
• Identify the factors of development of small micro and medium enterprises through the institutional system.
• Obtain information about the factors of institutional development for small and medium-sized cooperatives.
• Improve cooperation agencies in order to have a comprehensive financing system that is relevant to the needs of employers.
• Formulate policies, implementation, and monitoring systems relevant to the institutional and financing systems of small and medium businesses.
• Obtain a model of best practice on institutional and financing system in the State of the Philippines which may be applied in accordance with Indonesian culture.
The study was a comparative study using the method dekriptif with self-report approach. Institution where the research is high-Department of Trade and Industry and other agencies and other institutions that handle the growth and development of small and medium enterprises. Other institutions include the Institute for Development Bureau Office of Small and Medium Enterprises (BSMD), Office of Technology Livelihood Resource Center (TLRC). Colombo Plan Staff CALLEGE (CPSC), and Technology Universisty of Philippines (TUP). Research subject is the resource person who has the necessary information and they are eager and willing to cooperate in providing information.

This comparative study has results that can be grouped into two parts, the institute management and financing systems of small and medium businesses. Relating to the management body of them are SMEs include:
Development of small and medium enterprises in the Philippines under the Department Of Trade and Industry (DTI), involving several agencies that have national and regional level.

Which include small and medium entrepreneurs in the Philippines, is the businessman or entrepreneur, either indifidual Filipino citizens or groups who have the following characteristics: micro entrepreneur has assets <P1, 500.001; small business asset mempuyai-P 1,500,001 P 15,000,000; and medium entrepreneurs mempuyai P15 ,000,001-P60, 000,000

There are six higher institutions of State and several offices that are relevant to a variety of business activities as a place of registration and which will assist the development and growth of new businesses. Government programs related to small and medium enterprises in lakanakan by all relevant agencies including the office is under the responsibility of the department of trade industry, the Department of finance, budget and management. Agriculture, agrarian reform, environment and natural resources, labor and employment, transport and communications, employment and pubic roads, and government and tourism, science and technology, national economic and development authority of all the Philippine central bank at the national, regional, and provinces. At each office of the institution have procedures, authority, and the number of registrations of financing listed prominently. Authority, procedures and a clear total cost is, in principle, is to make it easier for entrepreneurs, we they do their business registration to the office of the agency.

Development Studies (Developmental Study)
Devlopmental development studies or studies conducted by many researchers in the field of educational psychology or related field behavior, development of research goals are generally related to behavioral variables individually and in groups. In that study the researchers interested in the development of the preferred variable to distinguish between the age, growth or maturity of the subject under study.

Development studies are usually done within a certain time period with a longitudinal, aims to discover the dimensions that occur in the development of a respondents. Dimensions that are often a concern of this research, for example: intellectual, physical, emotional, reaction to certain terhadapan, and development of children sosoial. Development studies are usually done either by cross-sectional or logiotudinal.

If the research is done by cross-sectional models, researchers at the same time and disimultan use shared variables to be investigated levels. Data obtained from each level can be described and then look at a comparison or association level. In the longitudinal study development of a model, researchers used a sample of respondents, for example: one class at school, then intensive scrutiny to continue their development within a specified period such as three months, six months, one year. All the phenomena that appear to be used as documented in analyzing information in order to achieve results.

Continuing Studies (Follow-up study)
Continuation study conducted by researchers to determine the status of the respondent after a certain period of time the treatment fare, such as education rogram. Continuation of the study is done for internal evaluation and the evaluation eksteral, after the subject or respondent received the program in an educational institution. For example, the National Accreditation Board recommends the level of information uptake graduates in entering the workforce after they complete their education program. In a continuation of research studies investigators are usually familiar with the term between output and outcome. Out (keluran) information relating to the final result after a program is given to the subject of targets in the finish. While the definition of data taken from the outcome (result) usually involves the effect of a treatment, such as educational programs to the subject which is examined after they return home is the community.

Sosiometrik studies (Sociometric study)
What is meant by sosiometrik is the analysis of interpersonal relationships within a group of individuals. Through the analysis of individual choice on the basis of an idol or someone rejection of others in a group can be set.
Prinsif theory is basically the study sosiometrik penanyakan on each member of the group under study to determine the premises whom he most liked to work together in group activities. In this case, he can choose one or three in the group. Of each member, researchers will gain a variety of positions. By using images sociogram, a person's position would be explained by its position within the organization.

The sociogram is generally used some terms that may indicate limitations of individual positions within the group. Some terms such as for example:
• "Star" is given to those most widely chosen by its members,
• "Isolated" is given to those who are not chosen by the members of the group,
• "Click" is given to a small group of members who each choose one person in the group.

Education, sosiometrik has been widely used to determine a person's relationship status variables such as formal leader, a leader in educational institution or an individual's position in the group with a variable in educational activities. The research is descriptive research methods that seek menggambarlkan object or subject under study in accordance with what it is, with the aim of describing systematically facts and objects in meticulous karakeristik appropriately.

Has a unique descriptive study of them, as follows.
• Using questionnaires or interviews are often just get a few respondents who can menakibatkan usually conclusion;
• Descriptive research that uses observation, sometimes in the data collection did not obtain sufficient data;
• Requires ssecara formulate the problem in clear, so that at the time of capture data in the field, researchers have no trouble.
An examination of the field data collection, descriptive research can be distinguished, among others, self study, study of the development, continuation of studies, and studies sosiometrik.
• The study has a descriptive methods such as the following steps.
• Identify the significant issues to be resolved through descriptive methods.
• Limit and clearly define problems.
• Determine the purpose and benefits of research.
• Conduct literature related to research problems.
• Establish a framework of thinking, and research questions or hypotheses and research.
• Design research methods yamg about the use, including in this case to determine the population, sample, sampling techniques, determine the data collection instruments, and analyzing data.
• Collect and organize and analyze data using statistical techniques that are relevant.
• Create a research report


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 1:27 AM


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