Lincoln and Guba (1985) distinguish a paradigm in science in general in the two groups, namely positivism paradigm (positivist) and natural (naturalist). Understanding the paradigm according to Patton, 1978 (in Lincoln and Guba, 1985) are:
A paradigm is a world view, a general perspective, a way of breaking down the complexity of the real world. Such as, paradigms are Deeply embedded in the socialization of adherents and practitioners: paradigms tell them what is Important, legitimate, and reasonable. Paradigms are also normative, telling the practitioner what to do without the necessity of long existential or epistemological consideration. But it is this aspect of paradigms That constitutes both strength and Their Their Their strength in weakness, That it makes action possible, That Their weakness in the very reason for action is hidden in the unquestioned assumptions of the paradigm.
Bogdan and Biklen (1982 in J. Moleong Lexy, 1989) calls a paradigm as a collection of loosely held together with a number of assumptions, concepts or propositions that direct way of thinking and research. Deddy Mulyana (2003) calls a paradigm as an ideology and practices of a community of scientists who hold a similar view of reality, has the same set of criteria to assess research activities, and using similar methods.
Paradigm focus naturally lies in the fact that multiple layers can be thought of as the composition of onion skin, or like a nest, but to help each other. Each layer provides a different perspective and the fact that there are no layers that can be considered more correct than others. The phenomenon can not converge to the sustu form only, namely the form of 'truth', but berdiverensi in various forms, the 'double truth'. Layers can not be described or understood in terms of free and bound variables separately, but closely related and form a pattern of 'truth'. Pattern is what needs to ditelaaah with more emphasis on Verstehen or understanding rather than for the purposes of prediction and control. Researchers tend to look more natural than the convergence berdiverensi if researchers increasingly plunging into the arena of research.
Paradigm naturally assume that the phenomenon is characterized by interactivity. Although efforts to reduce the assessment to the level of interactivity to a minimum, will likely remain a large number of remains. A good approach requires understanding about the possible influence of interactivity, and thus need to take that into account.
Researchers naturally tend to avoid generalizations and approve of the thick description and a working hypothesis. Differences rather than similarities, which characterizes of different contexts. So, if someone describe or interpret a situation and want to know and want to find out if this applies to both situations, the investigator should obtain as much information about them (ie thick description) to determine whether there is a strong enough foundation to make the transfer. Furthermore, the focus is more natural quest to put pressure on the differences outweigh the similarities. Little difference was felt far more important than the similarities are quite large. Thus the natural paradigm idiografik refers to the knowledge base, which is leading to an understanding of events or particular cases. Being on the other hand, refers to the positivism paradigm nomotetik knowledge base, which is a reference to the development of general laws.
A paradigm is a world view, a general perspective, a way of breaking down the complexity of the real world. Such as, paradigms are Deeply embedded in the socialization of adherents and practitioners: paradigms tell them what is Important, legitimate, and reasonable. Paradigms are also normative, telling the practitioner what to do without the necessity of long existential or epistemological consideration. But it is this aspect of paradigms That constitutes both strength and Their Their Their strength in weakness, That it makes action possible, That Their weakness in the very reason for action is hidden in the unquestioned assumptions of the paradigm.
Bogdan and Biklen (1982 in J. Moleong Lexy, 1989) calls a paradigm as a collection of loosely held together with a number of assumptions, concepts or propositions that direct way of thinking and research. Deddy Mulyana (2003) calls a paradigm as an ideology and practices of a community of scientists who hold a similar view of reality, has the same set of criteria to assess research activities, and using similar methods.
Paradigm focus naturally lies in the fact that multiple layers can be thought of as the composition of onion skin, or like a nest, but to help each other. Each layer provides a different perspective and the fact that there are no layers that can be considered more correct than others. The phenomenon can not converge to the sustu form only, namely the form of 'truth', but berdiverensi in various forms, the 'double truth'. Layers can not be described or understood in terms of free and bound variables separately, but closely related and form a pattern of 'truth'. Pattern is what needs to ditelaaah with more emphasis on Verstehen or understanding rather than for the purposes of prediction and control. Researchers tend to look more natural than the convergence berdiverensi if researchers increasingly plunging into the arena of research.
Paradigm naturally assume that the phenomenon is characterized by interactivity. Although efforts to reduce the assessment to the level of interactivity to a minimum, will likely remain a large number of remains. A good approach requires understanding about the possible influence of interactivity, and thus need to take that into account.
Researchers naturally tend to avoid generalizations and approve of the thick description and a working hypothesis. Differences rather than similarities, which characterizes of different contexts. So, if someone describe or interpret a situation and want to know and want to find out if this applies to both situations, the investigator should obtain as much information about them (ie thick description) to determine whether there is a strong enough foundation to make the transfer. Furthermore, the focus is more natural quest to put pressure on the differences outweigh the similarities. Little difference was felt far more important than the similarities are quite large. Thus the natural paradigm idiografik refers to the knowledge base, which is leading to an understanding of events or particular cases. Being on the other hand, refers to the positivism paradigm nomotetik knowledge base, which is a reference to the development of general laws.
According to Strauss and Corbin (2003) defined qualitative research as a kind of research that the findings are not obtained through statistical procedures or other forms of matter. Furthermore, the chosen qualitative research because of the stability of researchers based on the experience of research and qualitative methods can provide more details about the complex phenomena that are difficult revealed by quantitative methods.
Qualitative research process that can result in a finding that is really useful requires serious attention to various issues as deemed necessary. Discussed the process of qualitative research in at least three things to consider, namely the position of theory, research methodology and qualitative research design.
Viewed from the aspect of axiology purpose of science (science) is to seek the truth and help people overcome the difficulties of his life in order to achieve prosperity. A college where many experts have gathered for the purpose of developing a science in which there natinya treasury, in fact what happens is the development of various theories (Tafsir Ahmad, 2006).
Understanding the theory of Marx and Goodson (1976, in J. Moleong Lexy, 1989) is a rule or set of propositions explains a proposition relating to a natural phenomenon and consists of a symbolic representation of (1) the relationships between observable events (measured), (2) a mechanism or structure that supposedly underlies such relationships, and (3) the inferred relationships as well as the basic mechanism that is intended for the observed data and the absence of any manifestation of empirical relationships directly. Function theory at least four, namely (1) systematize the research findings, (2) be a driving force to develop a hypothesis and the hypothesis guiding researchers looking for answers, (3) make predictions on the basis of the invention, (4) provides an explanation and , in this case, to answer the question 'why'.
Qualitative research starts from a theory that has recognized the truth and be prepared in time study period based on data collected. In the first type, the theories put forward in accordance with research problem, then on the field verification of existing theories, which are compatible and which ones need to be repaired or even rejected
Qualitative research to know the theory is compiled from data that distinguished the two kinds of theories, namely the theory of substantive and formal theory (Lexy J. Moleong, 1989 and Mubyarto, et al, 1984). Substantive theory is a theory developed for substantive purposes of inquiry or an empirical science, such as sociology, anthropology, psychology and so forth. Example: patient care, race relations, professional education, delinquency, or research organizations. On the other hand, formal theory is a theory for formal or conceptually arranged in a scientific field of inquiry, such as sociology, psychology and so forth. Example: aggressive behavior, formal organization, socialization, authority and power, reward systems, or social mobility.
The elements of the theory include (a) the conceptual and the conceptual categories and (b) the hypothesis or generalization relationships between categories and regions, and integration. Category is a conceptual element of a theory while the region of (property) is an aspect or element of a category. That need to be emphasized in qualitative research, that the status of a hypothesis is suggested, not something that tested the relationship between category and region. So, with such researcher from the beginning will become an active research field in order to develop hypotheses forming the theory. The activity includes both the preparation of new hypotheses and hypothesis verification through comparison between groups.
Qualitative research process that can result in a finding that is really useful requires serious attention to various issues as deemed necessary. Discussed the process of qualitative research in at least three things to consider, namely the position of theory, research methodology and qualitative research design.
Viewed from the aspect of axiology purpose of science (science) is to seek the truth and help people overcome the difficulties of his life in order to achieve prosperity. A college where many experts have gathered for the purpose of developing a science in which there natinya treasury, in fact what happens is the development of various theories (Tafsir Ahmad, 2006).
Understanding the theory of Marx and Goodson (1976, in J. Moleong Lexy, 1989) is a rule or set of propositions explains a proposition relating to a natural phenomenon and consists of a symbolic representation of (1) the relationships between observable events (measured), (2) a mechanism or structure that supposedly underlies such relationships, and (3) the inferred relationships as well as the basic mechanism that is intended for the observed data and the absence of any manifestation of empirical relationships directly. Function theory at least four, namely (1) systematize the research findings, (2) be a driving force to develop a hypothesis and the hypothesis guiding researchers looking for answers, (3) make predictions on the basis of the invention, (4) provides an explanation and , in this case, to answer the question 'why'.
Qualitative research starts from a theory that has recognized the truth and be prepared in time study period based on data collected. In the first type, the theories put forward in accordance with research problem, then on the field verification of existing theories, which are compatible and which ones need to be repaired or even rejected
Qualitative research to know the theory is compiled from data that distinguished the two kinds of theories, namely the theory of substantive and formal theory (Lexy J. Moleong, 1989 and Mubyarto, et al, 1984). Substantive theory is a theory developed for substantive purposes of inquiry or an empirical science, such as sociology, anthropology, psychology and so forth. Example: patient care, race relations, professional education, delinquency, or research organizations. On the other hand, formal theory is a theory for formal or conceptually arranged in a scientific field of inquiry, such as sociology, psychology and so forth. Example: aggressive behavior, formal organization, socialization, authority and power, reward systems, or social mobility.
The elements of the theory include (a) the conceptual and the conceptual categories and (b) the hypothesis or generalization relationships between categories and regions, and integration. Category is a conceptual element of a theory while the region of (property) is an aspect or element of a category. That need to be emphasized in qualitative research, that the status of a hypothesis is suggested, not something that tested the relationship between category and region. So, with such researcher from the beginning will become an active research field in order to develop hypotheses forming the theory. The activity includes both the preparation of new hypotheses and hypothesis verification through comparison between groups.
Qualitative research aims to make the interpretation of social phenomena. Research methodology used is a multi methodology, so there really is not a specific methodology. Qualitative researchers use semiotics, narrative, content, discourse, archival, phonemic analysis, even statistics. On the other hand, qualitative researchers are also using the approach, methods and techniques etnometodologi, fenemologi, hermeneutic, feminism, rhizomatik, deconstructionism, ethnography, interviews, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, survey research, and involve observation (participant observation) (Agus Salim, 2006). Thus, there is no particular method or practice that is considered superior, and there is no technique that can be removed immediately. When compared with the research methodology proposed by Feyerabend (in Chalmers, 1982) may be close to the accuracy, because he thinks any methodology can be used from the desired goal.
The use and meaning of qualitative research methods are different makes it difficult obtaining agreement among researchers on the basic definition of it. Furthermore Agus Salim (2006) states if a definition should be made to approach culture, qualitative research is an interdisciplinary field, cross-disciplinary, sometimes even kontradisiplin region.
On the other hand, qualitative research also traverse science humanities, social, and physics. This means that qualitative research has focused on many paradigms. Its practitioners are very sensitive to the value multimetode approach. They are committed to the point of view and understanding intepretatif naturalistiuk the human experience. At the same time, the art is political and shaped by a variety of ethical and political positions.
The use and meaning of qualitative research methods are different makes it difficult obtaining agreement among researchers on the basic definition of it. Furthermore Agus Salim (2006) states if a definition should be made to approach culture, qualitative research is an interdisciplinary field, cross-disciplinary, sometimes even kontradisiplin region.
On the other hand, qualitative research also traverse science humanities, social, and physics. This means that qualitative research has focused on many paradigms. Its practitioners are very sensitive to the value multimetode approach. They are committed to the point of view and understanding intepretatif naturalistiuk the human experience. At the same time, the art is political and shaped by a variety of ethical and political positions.
According to Denzin and Lincoln (1994 in Agus Salim, 2006) is generally qualitative research as a process of many steps that involve research, theoretical and interpretive paradigms, research strategies, methods of data collection and analysis of empirical data, as well as the development of interpretation and presentation.
In contrast to conventional quantitative research, qualitative research, design research is not predetermined. Even so, according to Bogdan & Biklen, 1982 in Furchan Arief, 1996) remains the same design function that is used in research studies to show a plan on how to move forward. Lincoln and Guba (1985) identify the elements or naturalistic design elements as follows:
Determination of research focus (initial focus for inquiry)
Determination of the focus of research conducted by choosing a focus or subject matter selected for examination, and how to focus it: the problem is very common at first, then get the focus directed at specific things. However, the focus is still subject to change. The focus is very important because there is no research without a focus, while the nature of focus depending on the type of research undertaken. For example, to research the focus is a problem, to evaluate the focus is evaluan, and for policy analysis focus is on policy options.
Paradigm with a focus adjustment.
The questions that may arise in the preparation of designs, including: (a) Is the phenomenon represented by the construction of double and complex (a complex of social multiciplicity contructions)?; (B) the extent to which the level of interaction between researchers, the phenomenon and to what extent uncertainty level of interaction is brought to the researchers?; (c) the extent to which the level of dependence on context?; (d) is it reasonable (reasonable) to declare a conventional causal relations on the elements of the observed phenomenon or whether the relationship between symptoms that are mutual simultaneous shipping?; (e) the extent to which possible values are crucial to the outcome (and time-bound context or context-free generalization and time)?
Adjustments to the theory of substantive research paradigm chosen
Suitability of the theory of reference is used (if any) which referred to the social nature is very important in qualitative research. In qualitative research where the findings can give rise to the theory of lower (grounded), then the research can proceed. The theory that emerged from the bottom of this paradigm should be steady with a method that produces theory.
Determination of where and from whom data will be collected
In qualitative research there is no understanding of the population, samp [ling also different interpretations by other methods. In qualitative research sampling is the choice of what aspects, from the pa events, and who made the time and focus on tertentu.Oleh situation because it is done continuously throughout the study. That is, the purpose of sampling is to include as much contextual information that is holistic. In other words, do not be a representative sampling of the population (quantitative research), but rather representative of a holistic information. The sampling plan considered the following steps: (a) prepare the initial identification of the elements, (b) prepare on a regular basis and the emergence of purposive sample, (c) prepare a sample rarefaction or focusing on an ongoing basis, and (d) prepare the termination of sampling . Please note that these plans are only temporary, because there is no single step that can be completely developed before the start of the research in the field.
Determination of the phases of the study in order
In the present study determined the stages of research, and how beranjaknya from one stage to another stage in the process shaped the cycle. These stages has three main phases: First. The orientation phase to obtain information about what is important to be discovered, or orientation and review. Second, the exploration phase by finding something focused exploration, and the third, phase member check by checking the findings according to proper procedures and obtaining the final report.
Determination instrumentation.
Research instrument is not external, but internal is the researchers themselves as the instrument (human instrument). Other forms of the instrument may be used if any. For all naturalistic research, evaluation or policy analysis is very useful when the human instrument is organized as a team, with advantages in terms of roles, the perspective of values, discipline, strategy, methodology, internal checks and mutual support.
Planning data collection
Human instruments that operate in a situation that is not specified, in which researchers entered the field open, so do not know what is not known. For those reasons, researchers must rely on qualitative techniques, such as interviews, observation, measurement, documents, records, and non-verbal indications. In the recording of data is divided in two dimensions, namely fidelity and structure. Fidelity refers to the ability of researchers to demonstrate the tangible evidence of the field (high fidelity, such as video or audio recordings, while the lack of fidelity, such as field notes). While the dimensions of the structure includes structured interviews and observation.
Planning analysis procedures
Data analysis was performed throughout the study and carried out continuously from the beginning to the end of the study. Observation is not possible without analysis to develop hypotheses and theories based on the data obtained. Data analysis is the process of systematically tracking and regulation of transcript-transcript of an interview, field notes, and other materials so that researchers can present their findings. Data analysis involves organizing work, breakdown and synthesis of data and search patterns, the disclosure of things that are important and penentuanapa reported. Since the number of analytical models proposed by the experts, the researcher should choose the one modfel recommended by the experts.
Logistics planning.
Planning supplies (logistics) in qualitative research can be grouped into five categories, namely: (a) consider the initial logistic needs in its entirety before the project implementation; (b) logistics for field trips before, are in the field; (c) logistics for when the field, (d) logistics activities after the field visits, and (e) planning and logistics for end closing activities.
Plan to check the validity of the data
Examination of data validity in qualitative research include the four techniques. First, the credibility (credibility) that meet the criteria for the correctness of the data and information collected. This means that research results should be trusted by all critical readers and of the respondents as informants. For credible research results, there are seven proposed technique are: the extension of the presence of the researcher / observer (prolonged engagement), continuous observation (persistent observation), triangulation (triangulation), discussion of peers (peer debriefing), the analysis of negative cases (negative case analysis), a check on the adequacy of the referential (adequacy referencial checks), and checking of the members (member checking).
Second, transferability (transferability). These criteria are used to meet the criteria that the results of research conducted in the context (setting) can be transferred to some other subject that has the same typology.
Thirdly, dependability (dependability). These criteria can be used to assess whether the quality of qualitative research or not, by checking: if the researcher is careful enough, did make a mistake in conceptualizing the research plan, data collection, and pengintepretasiannya. The best technique used is the dependability audit with dependent and independent auditors requested to review the activities of researchers.
Fourth, konfirmabilita (Confirmability). Is the criterion to judge whether the quality of research results. If dependability is used to assess the quality of the process taken by the researcher, then konfirmabilitas to assess the quality of research results, the question of whether the pressure data and other information as well as interpretation and supported by the material in the audit trail.
Determination of research focus (initial focus for inquiry)
Determination of the focus of research conducted by choosing a focus or subject matter selected for examination, and how to focus it: the problem is very common at first, then get the focus directed at specific things. However, the focus is still subject to change. The focus is very important because there is no research without a focus, while the nature of focus depending on the type of research undertaken. For example, to research the focus is a problem, to evaluate the focus is evaluan, and for policy analysis focus is on policy options.
Paradigm with a focus adjustment.
The questions that may arise in the preparation of designs, including: (a) Is the phenomenon represented by the construction of double and complex (a complex of social multiciplicity contructions)?; (B) the extent to which the level of interaction between researchers, the phenomenon and to what extent uncertainty level of interaction is brought to the researchers?; (c) the extent to which the level of dependence on context?; (d) is it reasonable (reasonable) to declare a conventional causal relations on the elements of the observed phenomenon or whether the relationship between symptoms that are mutual simultaneous shipping?; (e) the extent to which possible values are crucial to the outcome (and time-bound context or context-free generalization and time)?
Adjustments to the theory of substantive research paradigm chosen
Suitability of the theory of reference is used (if any) which referred to the social nature is very important in qualitative research. In qualitative research where the findings can give rise to the theory of lower (grounded), then the research can proceed. The theory that emerged from the bottom of this paradigm should be steady with a method that produces theory.
Determination of where and from whom data will be collected
In qualitative research there is no understanding of the population, samp [ling also different interpretations by other methods. In qualitative research sampling is the choice of what aspects, from the pa events, and who made the time and focus on tertentu.Oleh situation because it is done continuously throughout the study. That is, the purpose of sampling is to include as much contextual information that is holistic. In other words, do not be a representative sampling of the population (quantitative research), but rather representative of a holistic information. The sampling plan considered the following steps: (a) prepare the initial identification of the elements, (b) prepare on a regular basis and the emergence of purposive sample, (c) prepare a sample rarefaction or focusing on an ongoing basis, and (d) prepare the termination of sampling . Please note that these plans are only temporary, because there is no single step that can be completely developed before the start of the research in the field.
Determination of the phases of the study in order
In the present study determined the stages of research, and how beranjaknya from one stage to another stage in the process shaped the cycle. These stages has three main phases: First. The orientation phase to obtain information about what is important to be discovered, or orientation and review. Second, the exploration phase by finding something focused exploration, and the third, phase member check by checking the findings according to proper procedures and obtaining the final report.
Determination instrumentation.
Research instrument is not external, but internal is the researchers themselves as the instrument (human instrument). Other forms of the instrument may be used if any. For all naturalistic research, evaluation or policy analysis is very useful when the human instrument is organized as a team, with advantages in terms of roles, the perspective of values, discipline, strategy, methodology, internal checks and mutual support.
Planning data collection
Human instruments that operate in a situation that is not specified, in which researchers entered the field open, so do not know what is not known. For those reasons, researchers must rely on qualitative techniques, such as interviews, observation, measurement, documents, records, and non-verbal indications. In the recording of data is divided in two dimensions, namely fidelity and structure. Fidelity refers to the ability of researchers to demonstrate the tangible evidence of the field (high fidelity, such as video or audio recordings, while the lack of fidelity, such as field notes). While the dimensions of the structure includes structured interviews and observation.
Planning analysis procedures
Data analysis was performed throughout the study and carried out continuously from the beginning to the end of the study. Observation is not possible without analysis to develop hypotheses and theories based on the data obtained. Data analysis is the process of systematically tracking and regulation of transcript-transcript of an interview, field notes, and other materials so that researchers can present their findings. Data analysis involves organizing work, breakdown and synthesis of data and search patterns, the disclosure of things that are important and penentuanapa reported. Since the number of analytical models proposed by the experts, the researcher should choose the one modfel recommended by the experts.
Logistics planning.
Planning supplies (logistics) in qualitative research can be grouped into five categories, namely: (a) consider the initial logistic needs in its entirety before the project implementation; (b) logistics for field trips before, are in the field; (c) logistics for when the field, (d) logistics activities after the field visits, and (e) planning and logistics for end closing activities.
Plan to check the validity of the data
Examination of data validity in qualitative research include the four techniques. First, the credibility (credibility) that meet the criteria for the correctness of the data and information collected. This means that research results should be trusted by all critical readers and of the respondents as informants. For credible research results, there are seven proposed technique are: the extension of the presence of the researcher / observer (prolonged engagement), continuous observation (persistent observation), triangulation (triangulation), discussion of peers (peer debriefing), the analysis of negative cases (negative case analysis), a check on the adequacy of the referential (adequacy referencial checks), and checking of the members (member checking).
Second, transferability (transferability). These criteria are used to meet the criteria that the results of research conducted in the context (setting) can be transferred to some other subject that has the same typology.
Thirdly, dependability (dependability). These criteria can be used to assess whether the quality of qualitative research or not, by checking: if the researcher is careful enough, did make a mistake in conceptualizing the research plan, data collection, and pengintepretasiannya. The best technique used is the dependability audit with dependent and independent auditors requested to review the activities of researchers.
Fourth, konfirmabilita (Confirmability). Is the criterion to judge whether the quality of research results. If dependability is used to assess the quality of the process taken by the researcher, then konfirmabilitas to assess the quality of research results, the question of whether the pressure data and other information as well as interpretation and supported by the material in the audit trail.
If you look at the classic works in economics, for example the book by Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations (1976), written in 1776, then most of the narrative contains a qualitative analysis. Similarly, other classic books, works of Karl Marx, Das Kapital, contains in-depth description of the use of a variety of disciplines to describe the state of society at that time.
The use of quantitative analysis tools such as prominent after the emergence of Neo-Classical flow, which in his analysis emphasizes the optimization point of economic activity. Although the dominance of the use of tools and quantitative research methods are so prominent, it does not mean the scientific work in economics are all wearing it. For example, the initial flow of institutional economics in economic analysis approaches are not pure, but assisted many other disciplines. Myrdal (1954) in his early writing how important political element in the development of economic theory. Other monumental works of Myrdal (1972) that drove him get the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974 to explain the failure of development in Asia because it is too adopted the Neo-Classical economic models and less attention to non-economic factors, such as the circumstances of political, social, cultural and legal. Similarly, Weber (in Taufik Abdullah, editor, 1979) kuranglah known by students of economics, although his work is quite well known. According to him, the progress in the Western world with capitalism, because the factors adopted by the followers of religion, specifically Protestant Calvinism with the flow.
Unfortunately, although Myrdal obtained the Nobel Economics prize but in many books of history of economic thought is not discussed, because the more he dubbed as a sociologist.
The use of quantitative analysis tools such as prominent after the emergence of Neo-Classical flow, which in his analysis emphasizes the optimization point of economic activity. Although the dominance of the use of tools and quantitative research methods are so prominent, it does not mean the scientific work in economics are all wearing it. For example, the initial flow of institutional economics in economic analysis approaches are not pure, but assisted many other disciplines. Myrdal (1954) in his early writing how important political element in the development of economic theory. Other monumental works of Myrdal (1972) that drove him get the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974 to explain the failure of development in Asia because it is too adopted the Neo-Classical economic models and less attention to non-economic factors, such as the circumstances of political, social, cultural and legal. Similarly, Weber (in Taufik Abdullah, editor, 1979) kuranglah known by students of economics, although his work is quite well known. According to him, the progress in the Western world with capitalism, because the factors adopted by the followers of religion, specifically Protestant Calvinism with the flow.
Unfortunately, although Myrdal obtained the Nobel Economics prize but in many books of history of economic thought is not discussed, because the more he dubbed as a sociologist.
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