Population growth, changing consumption patterns and lifestyles of people has increased the amount of waste generation, types, and diversity characteristics of the waste. The increased purchasing power of different types of basic goods and the technology as well as increased business or activities supporting economic growth in an area also contributed greatly to the quantity and quality of waste generated. The increasing volume of waste requiring management. Do not use the waste management methods and techniques that are environmentally friendly waste management but would be a negative impact on health will also interfere with the preservation of the environment very well lingkungam settlements, forests, fields, rivers and oceans.
Under Law No. 18 In 2008, the remaining waste is everyday human activities and / or solid form of natural processes. Waste management is an activity meant a systematic, comprehensive, and include the reduction and sustainable waste management. Based on the physical and chemical properties of waste can be classified into: 1) there is an easy to decompose waste consists of organic waste such as leftover vegetables, meat offal, leaves, etc., 2) are not easily decompose garbage such as plastic, paper, rubber, metal, the rest of the building materials and others, 3) waste in the form of dust / ash, and 4) hazardous waste (B3) for health, such as garbage comes from industries and hospitals that contain chemical substances and dangerous disease agents.
To achieve a clean and green city, the government has launched various programs which basically aims to encourage and enhance community capacity in waste management. Adipura program in 2007 for example has been able to bring into the Province of Bali Province Adipura for all counties and cities in Bali has managed to get Adipura Award. Although it has received Adipura not mean there are no problems of waste, and the government's appreciation of the community is always required to do so in turn the waste management of waste can be processed independently and be a resource. Looking at the above phenomenon is very necessary waste management model is good and right in an effort to bring urban and rural areas are clean and green in the province of Bali.
Waste management aims to improve public health and environmental quality and make the waste as a resource. From the standpoint of environmental health, waste management is considered good if the waste does not become breeding grounds for germs media as well as the waste is not an intermediary medium spread of a disease. Other requirements to be met, that does not pollute air, water and soil, does not cause odor (not interfere with the aesthetic value), does not cause fires and the other (Aswar, 1986).
The increasing volume of waste generated by urban communities can be seen from the city of Denpasar, that in 2002 the average production of about 2114 m3/day waste originating from household waste, household-like waste, and waste-specific. In a period of 4 years, ie 2006, the amount of waste production has increased to 2,200 m3/day (Tim Denpasar City Sanitation, 2007). Meanwhile, the lack of knowledge, awareness, and community participation in waste management becomes a problem that needs attention in the management of clean and healthy environment.
Factors that affect waste management include: (1) social-political awareness and commitment regarding the government's budget to determine the budget for environmental management (waste), public decision making in waste management and education, counseling and skills training to increase awareness and community participation in waste management, (2) Social Aspects of Demography, including socio-economic (tourism activities, markets and shops, and household activities, (3) Social and Cultural Rights concerning the existence of interactions between institutions village / traditional, customary rules (awig- awig), ritual (ceremonial / religious), the space structure of Tri Mandala, a genuine spirit of social service, mental attitude and behavior of citizens were apathetic, (4) the existence of waste land for the shelter, (5) finance (finance), (6) the existence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and (5) coordination between institutions involved in the prevention of environmental problems (waste).
Urban waste management also has the driving factors and inhibitors in an effort to increase community participation in waste management. According to the research Nitikesari (2005) these factors include educational level, the placement of the trash in the house, the presence of scavengers, the action of hygiene, lack of legislation on waste and enforcement. Urban level of public participation (Denpasar) in dealing with waste on their own are still in the category of moderate to low, people are still reluctant to waste segregation.
Waste is increasingly difficult to manage, so in addition to public awareness and involvement, the development of technology and business model of waste management is an alternative to maintaining a healthy and clean environment and may provide other benefits.
Based on data SLHD Bali (2005) it appears that at present difficult to manage waste for many reasons, among others:
a. Rapid development of technology, faster than society's ability to manage and understand porsoalan waste,
b. Menigkatnya level of living, which is not accompanied by a harmony of knowledge of the waste
c. Increased operational costs of waste management
d. Waste management is inefficient and does not really cause problems of air pollution, soil, and water and decrease the aesthetic
e. Inability to maintain the goods, low quality technology products that will speed up as litter.
f. Increasingly difficult to get land as a landfill.
g. Increasing number of people who objected to the region was used in a landfill.
h. The difficulty of storing the waste quickly decay, because the weather is hot.
i. The difficulty of seeking public participation to dispose of waste in place and maintain cleanliness.
j. Inadequate financing, given that until recently most of waste managed by the government.
Waste that has been done is the collection of waste from sources such as from the public (households) and public places are collected at the polling stations have been provided. Subsequently transported by truck to a landfill equipped nets. For areas that have not got the transport service given the limited facilities and infrastructures have been carried out in self-managed waste management with the help of some kind of transportation facilities. For businesses or activities which produce more than 1 m3/day waste transported by the employer or in cooperation with other parties such as the village / village or private parties. Waste management of waste resources in a way that is quite effective.
Some businesses that have taken place in the landfill to reduce waste volume, as has been done by scavengers for sorting recyclable waste. It was a livelihood to earn. Against perishable waste composting efforts have been made. But the effort still leaves waste that must be managed in a high cost and large estates. Handling of residual waste in the landfill is still a good way to incinerator combustion or burning in the open dumping and open to decay naturally. This poses new problems for the environment, the pollution of soil, water, and air.
Waste management in the future need to consider things like:
A. Preparation of the Regulations (regulation) on waste segregation
2. Socialization of the formation of waste-free area, such as tourist attractions, markets, terminals, protocol roads, villages, etc.
3. Ranking hygiene for public areas
4. Put pressure on the producer and consumer goods for production and consumption patterns are more environmentally friendly
5. Put pressure on manufacturers to be willing to draw (buy) back from the public on the packaging of products it sells, such as plastic packaging, bottles, alluminium foil, and others.
6. Enhancement of community through small-scale waste management, can be started from the village / village or district, including the use of technology in terms of recycling, composting, and use incenerator.
7. Increasing the effectiveness of the functions of the TPA
8. Driving the transformation (shift) consumption patterns to favor products that come from recycling.
9. Waste management and waste in an integrated
10. To coordinate with relevant agencies at both central and local, NGOs, universities to increase the management capacity of municipal waste
11. Evaluating and monitoring issues and waste management, landfill conditions of the environmental aspects, the development of the application of environmentally friendly technologies
12. Optimization of funding in urban waste management, waste management system development funding.
13. Consistency of implementation of legislation on waste and the environment.
14. Improve self-management efforts, especially waste handling waste easily broken down at the village / village
15. Provide facilitation, encouragement, mentoring / advocacy to the public in an effort to improve waste management.
The city of Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan has been cooperating in an integrated waste management business-oriented technology. Waste management approach to waste management technology is expected to more rapid, effective and efficient and can provide other benefits.
In accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 5 of Law No.23 Th.1997 Managing the Environment, that the public is entitled to a good environment and healthy living. To obtain such rights, in Article 6 stated that the public and employers are obliged to participate in maintaining the preservation of the environment, prevent and menaggulangi pollution and environmental damage. Associated with these provisions, the Act NO. 18 of 2008 also explicitly stated, that everyone has rights and obligations for waste management. In terms of waste management section 12 stated, everyone must reduce and handle waste in environmentally sound ways. Community also expressed eligible to participate in decision-making, management and supervision in the field of waste management. Procedures for public participation in waste management can be done by considering the characteristics and social culture of each region. Departure from these provisions, would be the duty and right of everyone, both individually and collectively, as well as employers and community groups other community members to participate in waste management in an effort to create an environment of urban and rural areas of good, clean, and healthy.
Some of the approaches and technologies and waste management have been implemented include:
A. Composting technology
Composting is one way of processing waste, a process of decomposition and stabilization of biological materials with the final product is stable enough for use on agricultural land without adverse effects (Haug, 1980). Research conducted by the Rev. (2008) found that composting by using more modern methods (aeration) are able to produce compost that has a finer grain, content of C, N, P, K and higher pH, C / N ratio, and the content of Colform lower than conventional composting.
2. Making Fertilizer Technology Kascing
3. Processing of waste into electricity. The city of Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan has been cooperating in an integrated waste management business-oriented technology in a Joint Board is Sarbagita. The planned technology is GALFAD technology (landfill gasification and anaerobic digestion). Waste management approach to waste management technology is expected to more rapid, effective and efficient and can provide other benefits.
4. Independent waste management Self-contained sewage treatment is a waste of processing performed by the public at the location of the source of such waste in households. Rural communities that generally have more extensive yard space large enough to have the opportunity to perform on their own waste. Independent waste management model will provide better benefits to the environment and can reduce the burden on landfill. Waste sorting independently by the community in Denpasar was relatively low at only reached 20% (Nitikesari, 2005).
5. Community-based waste management
1) A variety of issues facing the community in waste management, urban settlements in the village of Seminyak, Sanur and Sanur Kauh Kaja, and the village of Gianyar Temesi, namely: the issue of land acquisition for the location of Devo, the limited equipment and technology perawatannnya, limited funding for the recruitment of labor adequate new, compost production is still low, it is difficult and limited marketing of the compost so that the manager tends to have a deficit economy.
2) residential waste management model city based social community can be made adaptive with respect to aspects of social and cultural characteristics, aspects of the space (environment), volume, and type of waste generated.
Patterns of community-based waste management should be done in synergy (integrated) of the various elements (the Village, governments, NGOs, business / private sector, schools, and other related components) to make the local community as object and subject of development, particularly in waste management to create environment clean, safe, healthy, beautiful, and sustainable
Law on waste management has asserted such restrictions do not throw garbage at a place specified and made available, which do not burn trash sesaui with technical requirements, as well as to the handling of waste by open dumping at the landfill. Landfill closure by open dumping should be stopped within 5 years after entry into force of Law no. 18 of 2008. In developing the model of urban waste management should be able to involve the various components of stakeholders such as local government, businesses, NGOs, and communities. More urban component comes from the settlement (village Pakraman and Office), whereas in rural areas are generally still very closely related to the existence of the rice with the subak institutions must be involved. Model selection is dependent on the characteristics of urban and rural areas as well as the characteristics of the garbage in the region.
With the enactment of Law no. 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management would require a model of good waste management and proper to be developed in urban and rural areas so that the quality of health, environmental quality can be improved and the waste can be a resource that can be utilized for enhancing the welfare of the community.
The model should involve various stakeholders components and attention to the characteristics of waste, urban or rural characteristics and socio-cultural existence of the local community.
- Law No. 18 of 2008 on Waste Management
- Nitikesari, Putu Ening. , 2005. Level Analysis of Community Participation in Waste Management Independently in the city of Denpasar. Master thesis Graduate Udayana University, Denpasar.
- PPLH unud. , 2005. Assessment Report Preparation Guidelines and Criteria for Regional Adipura Bali Province. Research Report on Cooperation with PUSREG PPLH unud-Nusra Bali. Denpasar.
- Province of Bali and PPLH Bapedalda unud. , 2005. Environmental status of Bali Province. Denpasar.
- PPLH unud. , 2007. Community Social Model Assessment of Waste Management in Urban Settlement Environment in Bali Province. Research Report on Cooperation with PUSREG PPLH unud-Nusra Bali. Denpasar.
- Revelation W., L.G. , 2008. Quality and Effectiveness Study Results of Conventional Versus The Modern Composting in Landfill Temesi-Gianyar Bali. Master thesis Graduate Udayana University, Denpasar.